Propellerhead Software Reason

Analog synth, sampler, drum machine, ReCycle!-based loop player, mixer, effects, pattern sequencer, and more. As many of each as your computer can handle. All the power of hardware, but without the hassle. Forget tripping on cables. Reason doesn't need dusting. Picking up where you left off is as simple as turning the power on. When you save your work, your whole studio setup is stored along with your music.
In the following pages, we examine each of the Devices in the Reason Rack Studio. So click ahead to the next page for more about Reason!
- SubTractor Polyphonic Synthesizer - A monophonic/polyphonic analog synthesizer capable of thick bass, screamin' synth leads and lucious pads and textures.
- NN-19 Digital Sampler - A full featured Sample player for loading up and playing your own WAV or AIFF samples, loops, and more.
- ReDrum - Based on the classic drum machines but with all the features and conveniences of modern drum machines.
- Dr:rex Loop Player - Load up samples, slice and dice them, and more. Use this to lock any drum/rhytmic loop of any tempo into your sequence, or rearrange it completely.
- Matrix Analog Pattern Sequencer - Based on the simplicity of classic analog sequencers, use this to create TB303-like loop patterns for the synth or sampler modules.
- ReMix, Midi, ReBirth Interfaces - Reason's flexible and full featured interfaces and Mixer sections.
- Effects Devices - A whole lotta effects, choruses, delays, distortion, EQ, reverb, compressors, envelope followers, and more.
- New Devices in Version 2.0 - The Malstrom Graintable Synthesizer and the new NN-XT Advanced Digital Sampler are introduced in v2.0.
- New Devices in Version 2.5 - RV7000 Advanced Reverb, BV512 Vocoder, UN-16 Unison, Spider CV and Audio Merger & Spliters.
- Sequencer and Transport Controls
- Rear View
Demos & Media
Audio Clip 1
Here are some excerpts from the demo songs that ship with Reason. You can hear plenty more samples in mp3 format at Propellerhead Software.
Download DemoDownload the FREE demo for Mac and PC and play with it yourself!
Polyphony -
Depends on CPU. 1-99 voices per device (Subtractor, NN-19, Dr:rex)
Effects -
Reverb, Delay, Phaser, Flanger, chorus, compression, EQ, envelope filter and distortion
Memory -
Unlimited, every parameter, sound and effect stored with each patch
Output -
AIFF, WAV and MP3 export; computer hardware audio-outs
Arpeg/Seq -
Dr:rex: ReCycle-based variable tempo loop player; Matrix: monophonic pattern sequencer
Control -
MIDI, Computer, ReWire, VST
Macintosh -
Power Macintosh 604, 604e, G3, G4 or better, 166 MHz or faster; 64MB RAM; CD-ROM drive, MacOS 8.6 or later; a MIDI interface and a MIDI keyboard; OMS 2.x or later (included).
Windows/PC -
Intel Pentium 2 or better, 233 MHz or faster; 64MB RAM; CD- ROM drive; Windows98, NT4.0 or 2000 (or later); 16-bit Windows audio card or DirectX driver, Microsoft DirectX; A MIDI interface and a MIDI keyboard.
Date Produced -
Since 2000
Websites of Interest
Images from Vintage Synth Explorer.