Vermona Synthesizer

We have little information about this synth except that it is one of the only analog synthesizers produced by German music company Vermona throughout the 1980's. It is a 2-VCO monophonic analog synthesizer. It has most basic analog edit parameters. A 24 dB/oct analog VCF (filter) with 4 knobs (Brilliance, CutOff, Resonance, Contour), a single LFO to modulate the VCO or VCF sections and a typical ADSR VCA envelope. There are preset VCF and VCA settings as well as a Manual mode, but there is no real Patch setting storage available. Also absent are MIDI and CV or Gate.
Its sounds are pretty basic analog stuff. It makes a real nice analog bass. The string sounds are questionable. But with only 2 VCOs and such limited programmability, you won't get a whole lot of stuff out of this synth. There are no on-bard arpeggiators, sequencers or multitimbral options. The only real effects on-board is the portamento-like Glide effect and Vibrato. Colorful knobs, a clean layout, vintage wood end-cheeks and a genuine analog sound. It's an interesting piece.
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Thanks to Lutz Wuerker for providing information.