Roland R-70
The R-70 is a full sized and very popular all purpose drum machine. Sounds are based on digital sample-playback drums which are all very good sounding and usually convincing. The R-70 features up to 210 drum sounds, total, covering various forms of Rock, Jazz, Electronic, and Ethnic kits.
The R-70 is highly programmable. It can hold 100 patterns which can be created in realtime or step input. Patterns can be chained into songs, 20 maximum. Many advanced editing functions for a drum machine are used in its pattern and song sequencers. It also has a unique positional pad which allows you to assign any sound to it. It is a big pad that changes its sound depending on where it's hit. The R-70 has been used by Nine Inch Nails and the Pet Shop Boys.
Demos & Media
Websites of Interest
Images from Drum Machine Museum