Korg MiniKorg-700

Korg MiniKorg-700S Image
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The MiniKorg-700S is an old and simple monophonic analog keyboard from Korg. It is a dual-oscillator synth related to Korg's first monosynth, the single oscillator MiniKorg-700. Most of the controls are located in an odd place beneath the keyboard so as to make room above the keyboard for a sheet-music stand. Some controls have bizarre names like Bender, Traveler and Expand for the auto-bend, filter and envelope, respectively.

 MiniKorg-700 Image


It has three ring modulators for some strange sounds and noises. Sometimes a decent bass sound for techno music can be achieved using the MiniKorg's hi-pass and low-pass filters. The two oscillators can be de-tuned and they offer triangle, sawtooth and square waveforms. There are some strange analog effects built-in as well such as portamento, a rudimentary repeat-delay, auto-bend (bender), vibrato and Chorus and Noise waveforms.

This limited and quirky little synth is a nice collectors item but rarely seen or used anymore. It has relatively no performance controls like pitch/mod, but for ancient analog technology, this synth is quite stable and reliable. It is still quite capable of generating a very analog bass sound, thud, thump, growl or squeal. The wood side-panels and large primary colored knobs and sliders are a sure sign of Vintage status. It has been used by The Cure, ComaTeens, Kitaro, Human League, N-Trance, Vangelis, the Normal, Stevie Wonder, The Cars and Paul Hardcastle.

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Demos & Media

MINIKORG KORG 700S Analog Synthesizer 1974 | HQ DEMO | Mini Korg
Audio Clip 1 A full pallette of sample hits of various patches from the MiniKorg synth.
ManualDownload the original owner's manual from SoundProgramming.net.


Polyphony - Monophonic
Oscillators - 2 VCOs (sawtooth triangle, square)
LFO - Yes
Effects - 3 Ring modulators, Portamento, auto-bender, Vibrato, Repeat, Chorus, Noise
Filter - High-pass and Low-pass filters
Keyboard - 37 keys
Memory - None
Control - None
Date Produced - 1974
