Electronic Dream Plant (EDP) Spider

The Caterpillar
The Caterpillar is a 3-octave master keyboard that can be used to control up to four inter-connected Wasp synthesizers and played polyphonically. It also works with the Gnat. Fairly basic, it came with wood panels and does not respond to velocity or aftertouch.

The Spider
The Spider is a 256-note step, or 84-note real time digital sequencer to control the Wasp and/or Gnat. It features a few simple controls for entering notes in step or real time and transposing the sequence a semi-tone, whole-tone, major-3rd, or perfect-5th as well as speed controls. Although it has EDP's own pre-MIDI interface for connecting it to other EDP gear, it also had CV/Gate outputs for connecting it to other analog synths too.
Demos & Media

Caterpillar: 1980
Images from The Terry Synthesizer Collection.
Revised October 2009